The NSW Government has announced a proposal to renew the Explorer Street social housing estate in Eveleigh, Sydney.

The proposed redevelopment area includes social housing dwellings in Explorer Street and Aurora Place, as shown on the map below. The redevelopment area does not include nearby properties in Rowley Street managed by Bridge Housing.
The renewal would mean:
- New and better social housing, mixed with private housing in new apartment buildings
- New pedestrian-friendly streets
- New public art and open spaces
- A community facility for residents.
Explorer Street redevelopment boundary
Planning process
Planning will take up to two years, so if approved, there will be no relocation of residents before mid to late 2022 at the earliest and residents will receive at least six months’ notice before moving.
If the proposal is approved, residents will be supported through the relocation process and have the right to return. More information about the social housing relocations process is provided by the Department of Communities and Justice.
Over the next two years, we will work with the City of Sydney to seek feedback from residents and the local community at key stages throughout the planning process.
The first step is community engagement before we submit our planning proposal request with the City of Sydney in the coming months.
Community engagement
All local residents in Explorer Street and Aurora Place have been directly contacted and offered an opportunity to discuss the project with the project team.
The local community, local stakeholders, and local service providers have been directly invited to an online information session (webinar) or an online briefing so we can share our preliminary plans, gather feedback, and answer questions. The webinars are available to all people who register to participate.
Webinars were held on 19 and 25 November, 2020. If you were unable to attend, please view the webinar presentation, which was created from the more detailed community information pack as below.
During the webinars, the project team committed to providing follow up responses to these questions.
Social impact assessment
The Explorer Street resident social impact interviews are now complete for the proposed redevelopment of the Explorer Street social housing estate in Eveleigh.
The 1800 738 718 phone line will remain open for residents who have questions.
Feedback from these sessions will directly inform the Social Impact Assessment which will be part of the planning proposal request submitted to the City of Sydney next year.
More information
A community information pack has been prepared for local residents, businesses, community groups and interested community members to provide more information about the proposal.
Read the community information pack
Community consultation for this stage of the process started on 11 November 2020 and ended on 23 December 2020.
The project team is now analysing stakeholder and community feedback to prepare a Community Consultation Outcomes Report that will be lodged with the planning proposal request.
It is anticipated the request will be lodged with the City of Sydney in the coming months.
The report will be publicly available with the planning proposal documentation when placed on public exhibition by the City of Sydney.
There will be further opportunities to have your say during public exhibition of the planning proposal and at future key stages of this proposal.
Contact us
Email: [email protected]
Call: 1800 738 718 between 10am and 4pm Monday to Friday.