Home Maintenance

Top Common Home Maintenance Issues

Top Common Home Maintenance Issues That Are Best Handled Proactively

Want to know about the top common home maintenance issues? What’s easier than making a to-do list? Ignoring it. Collectively, we’re built to react; being proactive, though, takes time and effort. But it’s time and effort worth spending, as rare is the situation that prizes a reactive over a proactive approach. 

Especially when it comes to your home. That leaky tap in the laundry might seem innocuous now, but given enough neglect it can prove a costly villain. Of course, there are times when being proactive isn’t an option, like when you need emergency hot water services to avoid your family taking bone-cold showers. 

The silver lining to dealing with an issue like this is adopting a proactive mindset toward other issues. And to help you do just that, here are the top common maintenance issues that are best handled proactively. 


We’ll call this being pre-proactive. Before we guide you through the top common home maintenance issues, here are some tips to help you prepare.

Make routine a habit

Being proactive is about exercising foresight and initiative. If you want to keep on top of things, you have to keep one step ahead of things. And the best way to do this is to routinely inspect your home. Why? Because addressing a crack in the wall that’s barely visible to the passerby is better than addressing one that looks like the result of an earthquake. 

How often you inspect is up to you; we suggest a yearly inspection, at the very least. Walk through the home with your pen and paper—or your tablet—and make note of anything suspicious; think back to your renting days and the damage reports you had to complete before you signed a lease. As with anything, the more often you inspect your home, the less time each inspection will take. It’s up to you. 

Top Common Home Maintenance Issues
Top Common Home Maintenance Issues

Basic skills, essential tools

While we’d never suggest unqualified repair work, there are issues that, with a little education and practice, you can address yourself, without hiring a professional. Think about it: what’s education if not being proactive? We’ll let you decide how much you want to learn, but our golden rule is this: if you don’t feel confident trying to fix something yourself, don’t. There are no points for bravery in the home maintenance game, only injuries. 

Replacing light bulbs, changing tap washers, clearing gutters, these are all things within the capability of most. But not without the right tools. You probably already have a toolbox in the garage; if not, we suggest getting one. It doesn’t need to be exhaustive. A good hammer, spanner, screwdriver set, tape measure, and pliers, is a good place to start. And don’t forget safety equipment, like gloves and goggles. For simple, straightforward repairs at home, these tools will help. 

Outdoor issues

Roofs and gutters

A leaky tap is annoying. A leaking roof can be that, and a whole lot more. Ignoring roof issues can lead to a heap of other issues, such as mould and rot, structural damage, and spoiled carpets and interiors. They’re the issues that keep on giving, if you give them the chance. 

The main thing to consider when dealing with roof issues is safety. You’re working at height, so you will need a ladder and helmet. Also consider getting a friend to help, or at least getting them to watch while you work. 

The same goes for gutters. If your home is surrounded by tall, leafy trees, it’s a safe bet your gutters will end up stuffed with foliage, especially at season’s turn. Like a leaky roof, a blocked gutter can cause damage outside and inside your home. It’s also a tinder box, which makes it especially critical if you live somewhere prone to bushfires

Indoor issues

Once you’ve taken care of—or made note of—any issues outside, it’s time to inspect inside.


If you’re noticing a theme, it’s not by accident. Water, despite its essential role in keeping us alive, is a destructive force, in any capacity. Water-related issues need your attention, sooner rather than later. Taps are the easiest leaks to spot, so make sure you take the time to check other plumbing that might be hidden away but still accessible. The same problems you encounter with a leaky roof apply here, so be as proactive as possible. 


If there’s an undeniable focus point in the house for the whole family, it’s the fridge. With so much hands-on attention, it’s inevitable your refrigerator will have issues. The issues here are less contagious than a leaky roof or sink, but no less expensive or damaging. 

Check the door seals, as this is the most common issue. Being reactive instead of proactive to this will likely result in a higher energy bill and spoiled food; you decide which is worse. If it’s an issue with the motor, again, enlist a friend to help you inspect. 


This is “tip of the iceberg” stuff. The bigger and more complex your home is, the more issues it’s likely to have. If you’re proactive, you can stay on top of these things. The last advice we’ll give is to get to know who your best local tradesmen are, so if an emergency strikes you can deal with it quickly!

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